‘Super Bowl Super Social’ with The Guardian

Here is some of the most thought provoking creative work of the last few weeks.
The new BBH ad for The Guardian featuring the trial of the three little pigs is the latest of BBH’s ‘super bowl super social’ ads. These have been developed on the basis that investment in landmark content creates social ripples that reduce the need for high ATL frequency. So spend more on the ad and less on media, handpicking where and when it gets exposed.
So this gives us a super clever ad extoling the virtues of open journalism and a launch event in C4 News on 29th February.

The big question – how well did it do?
• 768k views on You Tube to date which seems to be flattening out.
• 8k tweets with a potential reach of 20m.
• Most popular with Men 45 -54.
• Almost universally approved by You Tube raters.
On the other hand there appeared to be no increase in searches for relevant terms.
So does Super Bowl Super Social work?
The gold old fashioned ABCs may help us work that out in this case.

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